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Ministry of Justice Retroactive Payments Progress ~ Update II ~

adminbuilding13042023PHILIPSBURG:--- The Ministry of Justice nearing completion of the issuance of placement offer letters to all active Justice Workers, will now direct its attention to all non-active justice workers impacted by the to-be-implemented new salary scales (salary scales with the incorporated 16.3% allowance and the 3.2% 2012 cost of living adjustment). The historical functioning of this group of workers within the Ministry of Justice gives rise to the application of the new salary scales, given its retroactive implementation.

Non-active justice workers are those workers who are currently not on the Justice payroll but have worked within the Justice Ministry. Former justice workers, retirees, and heirs of justice workers form part of this group and will be invited (in person or through their representatives) to provide the Ministry with pertinent historical information on their period of employment with the Ministry; this is for calculations related to salary and benefits to be made.

The Ministry of Justice will within short release a form to be filled out in hard- or soft copy, permitting all who believe in forming part (or represent someone) of this group, the opportunity to provide relevant information and documentation for review and processing. The procedure as it relates to this group of former justice workers will be shared with the group in future communications directly with persons who have submitted completed forms. Reaching out to non-active justice workers through this medium is necessary as most of their contact information is not available.

“Even though our attention was first directed at the active justice workers, the non-active justice workers are not forgotten. Our work will serve the benefit of ALL justice workers, past and present. I am elated with the progress made and we will continue with diligence until ALL justice workers are taken care of,” stated the Honorable Minister of Justice Anna E. Richardson.

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