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Weapons found and confiscated in school.

confiscateditems02062023PHILIPSBURG:--- The police force of Sint Maarten will be taking decisive action to ensure the safety and well-being of students and staff in educational institutions across Sint Maarten by addressing the alarming rise in the possession of weapons on school premises. Recent incidents involving the confiscation of various dangerous weapons, including hammer knives and tasers, have prompted the KPSM to enhance its efforts to maintain a secure learning environment.

Over the past few months, law enforcement and school authorities have observed a trend of students attempting to enter schools with concealed weapons. This worrisome development poses a significant threat to the safety of our educational institutions and necessitates immediate action to protect students, teachers, and staff.

The police in collaboration with school administrators, has a comprehensive strategy to combat this issue. This multifaceted approach involves the following key components:

  • Enhanced Security Measures:
  • Increased Vigilance:
  • Education and Awareness Programs:
  • Collaboration with Community Partners:

We urge parents, guardians, and the community at large to join us in this endeavor by reinforcing the importance of non-violence and responsible behavior among young people.


KPSM Press Release.

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