The following roads/areas have been defined as priority areas:
- Philipsburg area, Walter Nisbeth Rd, Cannegieter Rd, Long Wall Rd.
- Bush Rd,
- LB Scott Rd,
- Cole Bay area, Welfare Rd, Union Rd, Waterfront Rd.
- Simpson Bay / Airport Rd.
The milling of the area's and potholes will be executed prior to the patching with asphalt. The period between milling and patching will in most cases not exceed more than 24 hours. Motorists are advised to exercise patients and caution while driving. The patching will be executed in general outside the "peak hours" and in the evening hours. Patching will be executed during the weekdays and Sundays, but not on the Fridays and Saturdays.
For more information about the planned work interested persons can contact the Sector of R.O.B. department of Maintenance (Mr. C. Buncamper or Mr. B. Ortega).