Philipsburg:---The driver, R.F.G, from the car that was stopped by police on Wednesday February 10 holding 4 suspects of an armed robbery in Guana bay has been released by the judge of instruction this last Friday, his attorney Remco M. Stomp said. "Certainly it is suspicious if you are driving a car that is speeding from a location that was just robbed. Especially if the car contains a gun and stolen objects from the same robbed place only minutes after the crime, Stomp said. However, my client has stated from the beginning that he had nothing to do with it apart from giving a ride to two individuals that asked for a ride on Guana Bay Road. Shortly after he found himself surrounded by police cars and guns pointed at him. There was no evidence however in the file that could link my client to the robbery." In short, there was no additional evidence in the file that could substantiate the initial suspicion based on which my client was arrested. This is essential if the prosecutor wants a further detention of 8 more days or longer, Stomp explained. In addition, my client was held in the police-cells that are notorious for below standard conditions and has a medical condition on top of that. All reasons to at least suspend my client from his pretrial detention for which I requested. The judge granted the request.