countries greatly affected by malaria. In an inspiring speech to members she challenged all present to help JCI Dutch Caribbean grow so our efforts to JCI will continue to progress as well.
JCI St. Maarten has also embarked on the malaria project, through JCI website we have raised several mosquito nets that will be shipped to the countries in need. JCI Board members supported this project and approved the promotion of the campaign considering that its target — to donate and deliver 1,000,000 mosquito bed nets by 2015 — is "tangible, quantifiable, and achievable." The VP. left on Sunday March 21st to Curacoa, where she continues her visit of JCI Dutch Caribbean.Preparations are in progress for JCI St. Maarten recruitment drive; this is the chance for young adults to become a part of the great benefits JCI offers. The Open House is scheduled for 15th April at Philipsburg Jubilee Library at 8:00PM.
In the meantime those interested can visit JCI St. Maarten, every last Wednesday of the Month upstairs the UTS Training development center at 7:30pm.
For more information you can contact the President Corinne Isaac 524-5728 or Elroy Hughes at 522 6365 or any member.