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Proposal for change in date of FBE Exit Examination 2023.

rodlophesamuel0802023PHILIPSBURG (DCOMM):---  The Minister of Education, Culture, Youth and Sports (MECYS) Hon. Rodolphe Samuel, said on Thursday: “In light of the concerns raised by school boards and in the public domain related to the change in the date of the FBE Exit Examination from May to April 2024, I am consulting with Ministry stakeholders including the Secretary General (SG) MECYS, the Division of Examinations, Division of Inspection MECYS, the Department of Education, school boards and the Windward Islands Teachers Union (WITU).

“Taking into account concerns expressed related to the reduction in the number of available days students have for preparation for the FBE Exit Examination and indications that the summer vacation should be longer, the proposal was drafted and has been shared.

“The Ministry is awaiting the feedback of its stakeholders after which the decision regarding the way forward will be made,” Minister of Education Rodolphe Samuel said on Thursday.

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