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EPIC Welcomes New Staff and Board.

epic04102023PHILIPSBURG:---  Environmental Protection in the Caribbean (EPIC) Sint Maarten welcomes Margot Mesnard as Program Manager for the foundation. Ms. Mesnard served as Project Coordinator for EPIC’s recent pelican conservation project and has specialized in project management around ecosystem restoration and climate change-related projects, with 15 years of experience working in the Caribbean and Small Island States. Locally, she has worked with RESEMBID, Waste2Work, and serves on the Scientific Committee of the LIFE Biodiv’Om Project for St. Martin with the Réserve Naturelle. Ms. Mesnard will provide organizational oversight as well as field support for EPIC’s various conservation and education projects. Those interested in environmental education programs, particularly schools, are encouraged to contact the foundation to schedule a presentation or field trip. In addition, EPIC welcomes support and volunteers for its education, research, and conservation projects.
EPIC would also like to officially welcome Board Members Mareeka Dookie, who is currently serving as Secretary/Treasurer, and Alexandra Frye as general board member. Mareeka is an education, youth, and climate activist who attended the United Nations Youth Climate Summit on behalf of EPIC. Alexandra is an architect and operates GreenSXM; she brings her passion for protecting the environment as well as expertise in sustainability actions, such as composting, to the organization.
EPIC would like to take this opportunity to thank outgoing Board Members Rueben Thompson and Amy Trione. Rueben has served on the Board since 2016, much of that time as Treasurer, while Amy began her term in 2018 and most recently served as President. The foundation thanks them for their many years of service, guiding the organization through periods of growth as well as the challenges of the pandemic.
Fleur Hermanides has stepped in as President of the foundation. Having joined the Board in 2015, Fleur offers leadership with a deep understanding of EPIC’s mission and values as well as a wealth of knowledge regarding environmental issues and networks. Founding member Natalia Collier, completes the current board, having served since the Foundation was established in 2007.

EPIC would like to thank the HET Prins Bernhard CULTUURFONDS – Netherlands, Prins Bernhard Cultuurfonds Caribisch Gebied, and J’adore SXM for their recent donation, supporting conservation and education projects through increased staffing. The Board and staff will collaborate to implement strategic planning objectives outlined this year to increase EPIC’s impact in research, restoration, education, and advocacy. The Foundation looks to a promising future under the continued guidance of this team of professionals, building on the legacy of previous leadership.

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