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Stay over Tourism overlooked by other Ministers far too long, Lambriex.

ustripairlines31102023NEW YORK/PHILIPSBURG:--- Sint Maarten is fully dependent on tourism, particularly on the overall value of its stayover visitors and their economic contribution, which the Minister TEATT, Mr. Arthur Leo Lambriex, believes has been overlooked for too long. When the minister took office in early 2023, he initiated contact with all airline stakeholders to stress their importance to Sint Maarten’s economy and to ensure them that the Minister himself would do his utmost best to improve the industry. While the initial contact was virtual, a personal visit to the airline partners responsible recently took place.

The Minister of TEATT led the delegation consisting of the CEO of the Airport, the Director of Tourism, and the Commercial Director of the Airport, with assistance from the executive support to the Minister, visited the top 4 major US carriers located in Dallas, Chicago, and New York City. Information about the developments in Sint Maarten, which ranged from Accommodations to Things to Do while on the island, as well as to take inventory of their plans and future airlift to our island, was exchanged.

Having a budget to support the dedicated airlift of the airlines by marketing Sint Maarten was concluded as a necessity. “We must invest in our overall Tourism Product and ensure its continued success. We need to raise awareness about our beautiful island and its unique selling points which are constantly changing and improving some of which no other island can offer”, said Minister Lambriex.

The Minister’s intention is to have continued periodic visits to the executives and planners of these airlines minimally once per year in addition to the regular Aviation Conferences such as Routers. The importance of these stakeholders should not be underestimated. Figures show that in 2022, Sint Maarten had 1.4 million travelers passing through, of which 1/3 transferred to neighboring islands. Sint Maarten has always been a leisure destination for stayover visitors.

Tourism is a product that needs continuous attention, and we will have to continue these initiatives if we want to see results in the future, Minister TEATT concluded.

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