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SGs of Government and Focus Group members on Employee Satisfaction join in workshop to enhance relationships.

workshopaz06122023PHILIPSBURG (DCOMM):--- On Friday, December 1, the Secretary Generals (SG) of the various Ministries and the Secretary-General to the Council of Ministers, joined members of the Focus Group on Employee Satisfaction in a 3.5-hour workshop with as the main focus ‘enhancing workplace relationships.

The workshop was conducted by Peter Rozemond, who has been temporarily employed with the ‘Tijdelijke Werk Organisatie’ (TWO) since February 2023.

During his tenure, Rozemond contributed to the development of a multi-annual plan for the Government of Sint Maarten aimed at increased effectiveness, efficiency, and quality of services.

He also co-facilitated the Focus Group and organized well-received training courses in project management for 41 civil servants from all the seven ministries within the Government.

Based on the premise that everyone possesses leadership qualities, Rozemond led the Friday morning workshop by guiding participants in cultivating inner qualities crucial for effective leadership.

Engaging in a series of enlightening and entertaining exercises, participants improved skills that encouraged more open and flexible communication while staying actively present in the moment.

Participants expressed positive feedback about the interactive nature of the workshop, appreciating the team-building opportunities that not only strengthened individual skills but also enhanced collective cooperation among the members of the SG Platform, which recently concluded their retreat, and the Focus Group.

The workshop marked the first in a series of upcoming workshops under the theme ‘living in a high-level stressful society and workplace’, initiated by the Prime Minister to address the needs of civil servants.

The Department of Personnel & Organization of the Ministry of General Affairs and the Secretariat of the Council of Ministers were responsible for the execution of this and future workshops.

A Microsoft Teams meeting for all civil servants has been scheduled for Friday, December 8, at 2:30 p.m. during which the Prime Minister and the Company Counsellor, Christel Horst, will provide civil servants with more information about the upcoming workshops.


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