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Road Works to Restart at George C. De Weever Drive Dutch Quarter: Partial Road Closure Announcement.

clementdeweever05042024Partial Road Closure Details
Date and Time:
Section 1 will be closed from Tuesday, April 9th, 9 AM until Tuesday, April 16th, 4 PM.

Section 2 will be closed starting Wednesday, April 17th, 9 AM until Tuesday, April 23rd, 4 PM.
Location: George C. De Weever Drive, Union Farm Dutch Quarter
Alternative Routes: Via Montevideo Road
Residents and commuters are advised to use Montevideo Road as an alternative route to access the main road during the partial road closure. Please note that Limitless Infrastructure N.V. will execute the works, while St. Maarten Concrete will supply the concrete.
Stay updated on The Concrete Hard Surfacing Side Roads Project by visiting our official government website and Facebook page.


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