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EPIC invites public to Perpetual Plastics Workspace Launch.

epiclaunch17052024EPIC (Environmental Protection in the Caribbean) Foundation will be launching their long-awaited ‘plastic recycling social workspace’: Perpetual Plastics - on ‘International Plastic Free Day,’ Saturday, May 25th, 2024, and is thereby inviting the public to come to take a look at what their latest endeavor entails. The workspace is located on Union Road in Cole Bay, next to Burger King, and will be open from 10 am to 4 pm. The team will allow the public to see how plastics types 2 and 5 can be sorted, washed, shredded, melted & molded into new reusable useful items. Providing a new opportunity for the public and organizations/businesses to reduce their carbon footprint and help keep the island cleaner and greener. EPIC and its Perpetual Plastics team are excited to have everyone take a look and find out how they can get involved.
For more information, please visit/follow/contact:
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