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Sundial students start with Baby think it Over/teenage pregnancy prevention

sundial21052024PHILIPSBURG:---- Since Hurricane Irma and Covid the - already high- teen pregnancy rates on SXM are on the rise. To ensure that teens can make more informed and safe choices the Sundial School started the Baby Think it Over Program. Students get information on pregnancy, healthy choices, safe sex, financial consequences of having a baby, all provided by trained members of the SVOBE care team. Essential element of the program is taking care of a real life baby doll that needs to be consoled, fed and cleaned. The late arrival of the purchased the simulation dolls made it difficult to execute the full extent of the program, but the 2nd formers of one class group will receive the training. The rest will be programmed in the new academic year.This project has been funded by the Government of the Netherlands via the Sint Maarten Trust Fund. The R4CR program is administered by the World Bank, implemented by VNGI, and overseen by the NRPB.

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