~ A reminder of public health precautionary measures.~
MARIGOT:--- Over the past two weeks, Public Health France has observed an increase in the circulation of COVID-19 in town and within health or medico-social establishments. Clustered cases are identified within establishments requiring teams to review the barrier measures in place.
To prevent the development of respiratory viral infections and limit their impact on the health system, the ARS of Guadeloupe, Saint-Martin, Saint-Barthélemy reminds of simple everyday gestures:
- Wash your hands regularly;
- Cough or sneeze into your elbow;
- Use single-use paper tissues;
- Wear a mask if you are sick or likely to be sick, especially in the presence of fragile people
- Limit going out into enclosed spaces or places with high traffic when you are sick;
- Pay attention to the protection of the most vulnerable in the event of a visit to health establishments or
- If you have symptoms of infection, contact your doctor or call 15.
Vaccination remains strongly recommended for the most fragile and vulnerable people (pregnant women, people aged over 65, or those suffering from chronic illnesses or severe obesity).