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TELEM Customers will see intermittent unstable services until September, Company asking for patience from its clients.

kendalldupersoy28062024PHILIPSBURG:--- On Friday morning, the Chief Executive Officer of TELEM Group of Companies, Kendall Dupersoy, informed the media that its systems have not been working optimally over the past weeks.
Dupersoy said TELEM experienced what he described as the perfect storm when the technicians discovered that their systems were corrupted and one of its generators malfunctioned due to mechanical failures. Dupersoy clarified that NV GEBE is not responsible for what happened at TELEM. The CEO said after the island-wide blackout, TELEM technicians discovered some intermittent telecommunications within the network. Dupersoy said after a thorough investigation; they discovered that the 3 G data layer was not functioning optimally since it was corrupted. Due to this, TELEM has decided to upgrade, but this could only take place in September 2024.
TELEM Group of Companies, through its CEO Kendall Dupersoy, explained that the 4g layer is working perfectly; however, the 3g layer is not working, thus causing the services to fall out at certain periods.
Dupersoy called on its clients to be patient with the company and the services they provide. The project will be done through vendor financing by September 2024. The cost for the upgrade will be paid over ten years. He explained that the systems are very old, and most of them are getting to the end of their lifespan.
The CEO said that TELEM is not as profitable as it used to be, and the fire-to-home project has its hands tied because of the huge loan it took out. All the systems will be upgraded bit by bit and paid off over a long-term period.
Asked when TELEM identified the problem with its network, Dupersoy said that happened two weeks ago and since then they have been working on getting the 3g layer fully upgraded.

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