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Justice “Employees” holding up LBs process-- Lewis.

PHILIPSBURG:--- Minister of Justice Lyndon Lewis announced at the Council of Ministers press briefing that he assumed that certain employees appointed by the former Minister of Justice Anna Richardson have been delaying the process of the Landsbesluit for justice workers. Lewis said the “employees” appointed during the last days of the Minister’s tenure seem to be working for the former Minister, and they are playing with the “lives of the people.” Lewis made clear that the employees that he feels are delaying the process are not harming him personally, but they are disturbing the peace of the justice workers. He said the allegations are that the bidding is being done by the employees that were put in place by the former Minister of Justice. He called on those employees to stop and to do their jobs.
Lewis said that since taking office, he has not removed anyone from their appointed positions; instead, he has opted to allow everyone to work for their country.
The Minister of Justice further explained that the sixth batch was signed off on June 19th, 2024, and sent to the Governor’s Office for signature. “I am told the governor is off island, and I have asked why the acting governor is not signing off on the LBs that were sent. I am told this person is not 100% in office. I don’t know what that means, and I am still waiting for the Landsbesluits to return to me for co-signing. I do not understand what is happening and don’t know what types of games are being played, but to date, I have not received the 25 LBs that were sent to the governor’s office for signature.”
The Minister further explained that the justice workers have covered batches 7 and 8, which cover another 50 employees. These LBs are going through the process, after which they, too, will be sent to the governor while he sits and waits for the signed LBs.

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