PHILIPSBURG:--- The Court of Guardianship, in partnership with UNICEF in the Netherlands, has developed animation, posters, and brochures detailing the safe and legal steps for evacuating unaccompanied minors after a disaster. These steps are part of a new Inter-Island Protocol established among the Dutch Caribbean islands to ensure better tracking and protection of children evacuated after a disaster.
“Although this protocol is in place, parents and guardians should be aware that unaccompanied evacuation should not be taken lightly. The risks of placing a child out of their regular home and schedule should be considered carefully. In addition to that, there are legal requirements to follow when the decision is made to evacuate a minor from a disaster, such as filing out proper documentation at border control and informing the Court of Guardianship. As a result, the protocol will be properly executed, thus ensuring the minor's safety and well-being.” explains Kimberly Dort-Brown, Head of the Court of Guardianship.
The process of drafting the Inter-Island Protocol among the six Dutch Caribbean islands began several years ago. Stakeholders, drawing from their experience with Hurricane Irma, agreed that Inter-Island cooperation for the protection of children is crucial in reducing the risks of children becoming victims of neglect, violence, exploitation, and abuse during emergencies. The development of the Inter-Island Protocol is part of the Child Resilience and Protection Project (CRPP), executed by the Government of Sint Maarten and funded by the Government of the Netherlands through the Sint Maarten Trust Fund managed by the World Bank.
“While it is common practice in the region, sending children off the island without their primary caregiver during emergencies carries significant risks. Children are more susceptible to dangers and difficulties being away from home. Therefore, it is essential to have formal arrangements among the islands for registration, legal guardianship, and access to services such as education when a child is evacuated,” explains Neidi de Carvalho, Child Protection Specialist for UNICEF in the Netherlands.
To educate the public on the necessary preparations to evacuate a child, an animation, posters, and brochures were created in three languages (English, Spanish, and Haitian Creole) and will be disseminated on social media and at strategic locations. In partnership with DCOMM and several radio stations, the Court of Guardianship has also developed radio PSAs and will visit several radio programs.
Learn more about the Inter-Island Protocol and the role of Court of Guardianship at The campaign can also be viewed on the For information and inquiries regarding the evacuation of a minor, please call the Court of Guardianship at +1 (721) 542-4110.