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Two CPS staff members attend CARPHA Regional Stakeholder Workshop for Pandemic Preparedness and Response.

cpsstaff28082024PHILIPSBURG (DCOMM):---  The Collective Prevention Services (CPS) from the Ministry of Public Health, Social Development and Labour (Ministry VSA) was represented at the Caribbean Public Health Agency (CARPHA) at a workshop by Maria Henry, Section Head General Public Health, and Cheyenne Gumbs, Epidemiologist.

The early August workshop was geared toward pandemic prevention, preparedness, and response (PPR).

Sint Maarten as a member of CARPHA continues to maintain its partnership with the regional public health agency and will continue to participate in any relevant pandemic fund projects.

CARPHA is executing the Pandemic Fund Project from 2024 to 2026 with the Inter-American Development Bank (IDB) as the Implementing Entity.

As the Project “Reducing the Public Health Impact of Pandemics in the Caribbean through Prevention, Preparedness, and Response” begins to be fully implemented, it is imperative that countries and partners gain a better understanding of the project and how it fits into CARPHA’s overall work of improving PPR and regional health security, according to CARPHA.

Sint Maarten’s participation could provide an additional lifeline to support the country in preventing, preparing for, and responding to future pandemics.

“This could include but may not be limited to healthcare infrastructure, early warning systems, public health surveillance, climate health, antimicrobial resistance, and expanding the human resource capacity with training,” CPS said on Wednesday.

The three-day Workshop in Trinidad & Tobago provided an opportunity for the Chief Medical Officers, National Epidemiologists, and Laboratory Directors of 22 CARPHA Member States (CMS), regional agencies, and International Development Partners to gain a better understanding of the project.

The workshop's objectives were to update CMS and partners on the CARPHA strategic work and the Pandemic Fund Project and to update and discuss the Project’s execution plan, outcomes, outputs, and impact at regional and country levels.

Additionally, the workshop discussed collaboration, partnerships, and data-sharing agreements.

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