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MP Ottley Seeks clarity from Min-Fin on the impact of the Netherlands’ Investment cuts on St. Maarten.


omarottley0052024PHILIPSBURG:--- In light of a recent announcement by the Dutch Second Chamber regarding the reduction of investments in the Country Packages for the Dutch Caribbean, MP Omar E.C. Ottley, Leader of the United People's Party and Member of Parliament, has formally questioned the Minister of Finance, Marinka Gumbs, about the ramifications of this decision for St. Maarten. The Dutch Parliament announced on September 17, 2024, that these investments, including those administered through the Temporary Work Organisation (TWO), will be reduced by 20%, leading to a decrease of €17 million for 2025-2027.
In response, MP Ottley has submitted a series of questions to Minister Gumbs, inquiring how this funding reduction will affect the island's financial and developmental plans. The queries have been forwarded to the Minister through the President of Parliament in accordance with Article 69 of the Rules of Order of Parliament.
MP Ottley's questions reflect concern over how the Netherlands' reduction of investments in the Dutch Caribbean will impact St. Maarten's day-to-day governance and economic planning. He specifically asked the Minister to provide a clear plan on how the government intends to manage the financial shortfall while ensuring the goals outlined in the Country Packages are met. Amongst critical inquiries, MP Ottley asked the Minister to "outline the government's strategy to maintain the financial sustainability and explain how the island's development goals and programs under the Country Packages will be achieved despite this significant reduction in funding." MP Ottley has also pressed for details on specific measures the government will implement to ensure fiscal responsibility and identify potential savings to mitigate the effects of the funding cuts.
According to MP Ottley, it is essential for Parliament and the people of St. Maarten to understand whether any discussions or negotiations have occurred between the St. Maarten government and Dutch officials regarding this reduction and, if so, what the outcomes of those conversations have been.
He further questioned which ministries and projects would be most affected by the reallocation of tasks and resources and how the government plans to prioritize and restructure key projects affected by the funding shortfall. Noting that Prime Minister Dr Luc Mercelina is currently out of the country, MP Ottley has also asked for confirmation on whether his trip is related to efforts to secure additional financial support for St. Maarten. He referenced a previous statement from the Prime Minister on June 5, 2024, that a trip to Washington, D.C., would secure an additional Two hundred million Euros for the island; MP Ottley is asking whether this agreement was finalized and whether St. Maarten, as far as the Minister of Finance is aware, has received the funds.
This series of questions demonstrates MP Ottley's proactive approach to understanding the financial challenges St. Maarten can expect to face due to the decision in the Netherlands and how the government plans to mitigate the negative impact on its citizens. "My goal is to make sure that throughout this challenging time, the people of St. Maarten remain informed about the steps their government is taking to secure the island's future," said MP Ottley.

Click here for a letter sent to the Minister of Finance.


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