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Applications for the UNESCO 6th World Cultural Heritage Youth Symposium are now open to Students.

PHILIPSBURG:--- The 6th World Cultural Heritage Youth Symposium 2025 will be in Athens Greece from March 26, 2025 to March 30, 2025 under the theme "Arts and Cultural Heritage". The Annual World Cultural Heritage Youth Symposium is being held on the occasion of the World Day for Cultural Diversity for Dialogue and Development. The Symposium is a contribution to the Sustainable Development Goals promoting “Education 2030” focused on SDG 4.7 as well as SDG17.

In April, a delegation of six (6) students represented Sint Maarten under the theme “This is My Cultural Heritage.” During their time, they were able to share the island’s cultures with other delegations and be ambassadors for the island.

The symposium aims to bring together students and teachers from all over the world in order to raise cultural awareness, develop mutual respect and contribute to the creation of a new generation of world citizens that feel united in diversity and are willing to shape a sustainable future for everyone. This is being achieved through knowledge and experience exchange, interaction and collaboration on a common goal related to the world cultural heritage.

Applications are now opened to students between the ages 15- 24 and will close on November 21st, 2024. Email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. to request an application form, or ask your school’s administration.

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