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Police Nationale Agent claims abuse and disrespect from superiors.

~ Two-time cancer survivor struggling to be alive yet being disrespected by superiors. ~

pascalemodesse13012025MARIGOT:--- Pascale Modesse has served as the Police Nationale since 1989. Instead of being recognized and honored for 36 years of dedicated service, Modesse is fighting for respect from her superiors.

In an exclusive interview with SMN News, Modesse explained that she is a two-time cancer survivor; she was first diagnosed with breast cancer in 2004, and even though treated and went back to work, in 2019, she received the worst news when her doctors told her that the cancer was back and that she needed to undergo emergency surgery. Since then, Modesse has been on sick leave, which was approved by the doctors that represent the Police Nationale.

Despite being ill and not released from sick leave, Modesse went back to work but was ordered by her doctors to remain home as she needed more rest to recuperate from the chemotherapy she received. In explaining her medical history, Modesse said she underwent seven surgeries in a two-and-a-half-year period.

Modesse explained that in 2023, the service chef at the Saint Martin Bureau was changed, and this person (name provided) sent her several WhatsApp messages instructing her to pick up her personal belongings from their office since he had replaced her.

Modese said that the new captain did not follow the law because he was not supposed to communicate such information by WhatsApp, and most of all, he knew that she was on medical leave and that the doctors had approved the medical leave. “The new chef said in his messages that I should look for an opening at the PAF (DTPN) or the Prefecture of Saint Martin.”

The 64-year-old agent said that she has since written several letters reporting the injustice, but so far, not one of the persons she wrote responded to her letter of grievance.

“Letters were sent to the Minister of Interior Affairs and the Inspection Generale de la Police Nationale (IGPN). I am yet to get a response from the Minister of Interior Affairs. While the IGPN did respond to me and said they would investigate, since then, I was not updated on the outcome of the investigation even though I provided all the proof needed for the investigation. Most recently a letter was sent to the Director of the Territorial Police Nationale, and he too did not respond.”

Modesse said that even though she has not been officially released from sick leave, she is prepared to return to work to serve her country faithfully as she did for 36 years. However, she said she wants to return to her post at the Bureau on Saint Martin.  She is calling on all relevant authorities to grant her the respect and honor she deserves and to send her a written letter so that she can take up her position until she retires.

Police Officers are not being respected.

Modesse said that she does not intend to back down or allow anyone to walk over her because she has a medical condition. “I did not ask for cancer to attack me twice; I am trying to survive and to live. Besides that, my husband and partner committed suicide a few years ago because he too was a police officer, and he could not continue with the abuse and disrespect from his superiors, thus he took his life.

The Police Nationale agent said that while they are not speaking out, several of her colleagues who have served faithfully have since resigned and are now working in the private sector. “I will be sending a clear message to those that are above me: I will not buckle to cowards; my father served the same Police Nationale, and I will do so until I go on retirement.”

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