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Council of Ministers did not approve the waiving of Lottery License fees.

~ All but one company did not get their fees waived~

marinkagumbs02062024PHILIPSBURG: Minister of Finance Marinka Gumbs confirmed in the Council of Ministers press briefing that the current Minister of TEATT, Grisha Heyliger Marten, did not discuss waiving Lottery licensing fees before its execution.
Based on the information she received, Minister Gumbs said that all Lottery Companies except one got their fees waived.
Minister Gumbs said the country needs to streamline its operations and ensure that money is brought into its coffers. Gumbs explains that other ministers, such as the Minister of Justice, are already knocking on her door because that ministry has needs to meet, and there is a lack of funds. The Minister said she understands the needs of the other Ministries; however, it is about bringing money to the country's coffers through all means possible.
“Another concern for the Minister of Finance is the cap on what a minister can sign off on single-handedly. “Anything above that amount (NAF. 50,000) should be brought to the Council of Ministers for discussion and approval. This would have allowed all Ministers in the COM to fully discuss what they can or cannot approve and sign off.”

Asked if the Council of Ministers was consulted on the Soul Beach payment of $500.000 already paid. The Minister said that was discussed in the Council of Ministers, and she intends to take the matter up with the Minister of TEATT.
Gumbs said that while this matter was not discussed. The government has told parliament that the money that was paid to Soul Beach is classified as unused funds within the Ministry of TEATT budget; she said the Minister of TEATT felt it was necessary to bring Soul Beach back to St. Maarten, where it all started some 29 years ago.
The Minister of Finance said she agrees with the Minister’s view of wanting to bring back Soul Beach to St. Maarten because it started out on St. Maarten; however, she felt a study should have been conducted to see what Aruba no longer hosts Soul Beach.
“ As a government, we must understand that if something works for you, why not continue? It has been said that Soul Beach has done a lot for Aruba, but no one said why Aruba stopped it. Had this been done, we would have known what is best for St. Maarten where Soul Beach is concerned.”

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