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HNLMS Groningen station ship Caribbean Region.

hnmls24012025HNLMS Groningen has taken over the task as a station ship in the Caribbean Region from HNLMS Holland. The patrol vessel moored this morning at the St. Anna Bay in Willemstad. During the forthcoming months, the ship will be active with counter-drug operations; moreover, she will also be ready to be deployed to render emergency aid.
The Royal Navy has four patrol vessels from the so-called category ‘Holland-klasse’. These OPVs (Ocean-Going Patrol Vessels) are flexible ships for the surveillance of coastal waters. The station ship works in international waters together with th USA Coastguard and close to the coast with the Coastguard Caribbean Region. The NH90 Maritime Combat helicopter has traveled again on board to support the ship with air operations.

HNLMS Holland arrived in Den Helder, her home port, at the end of December. The ship has intercepted a total of almost 9,000 kilos of cocaine in the Caribbean region in recent months.

With the presence of a station ship in the region, Defense contributes to peace and security in the Caribbean Region.

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