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Philipsburg Jubilee Library hosts “Know Your Role” informative session.

Are you interested in your child's school success? Do you understand the importance of homework as it pertains to your child succeeding in school? If you answered yes to both of these questions then we at the Philipsburg Jubilee Library urge you to come out this Thursday September 15th to our informative session "Know Your Role". Know Your Role will focus on the issue of homework and how you the parents can help your child perform better in school by following a few simple guidelines. On hand will be a representative from the Know How Homework Centre, who will offer insight in how to help your child tackle the issue of homework and studying, and also be there to answer any questions you may have. This is an opportunity for you as parents to play an active role in your child's educational success, and setting them on the right path of achievement. The session is free of charge, and starts at 6:30 pm and ends at 8:00pm. Be there and get informed!
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Vinaora Nivo Slider 3.x
Vinaora Nivo Slider 3.x
Vinaora Nivo Slider 3.x
Vinaora Nivo Slider 3.x