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thanksgiving2Philipsburg: --- Very few persons including government officials and members as well as members of the clergy turned out last night for the annual thanksgiving ceremony and lighting service which was held in front of the government administration building.
While several songs of Thanksgiving were sung by the praise and worship team, eight year old Chardonnay Martes was the one that really kept everyone on their toes as he sang "Available to you" Martes was called back to the stage as a special request to sing the song just prior to the closing of the ceremony.

Lt. Governor Franklyn Richards the first official speaker of the night said the event was especially put together so that the people can come together to give thanks to God for spearing the island of another deadly storm and or hurricane during the 2008 Hurricane season which ended on November 30. Richards said this year hurricane season was the most active within the last 64 years and St. Maarten came out of it with barely a scratch. He said hurricane Omar which struck the island during the late season only serves to show how important it is for us as a nation to be prepared. Thus he said everyone who gathered there had one or more reasons to give thanks to God.
Richards said one thing for sure is the people must stand committed in their declaration of trust in God while thanking him for his blessings and mercies which he bestowed upon this nation.

thanksgiving1Leader of government Sarah Wescot Williams particularly gave thanks for the island youths especially young Martes who performed during the ceremony.
She said it was indeed good to give thanks to God for what he has done and will continue to do for St. Maarten.

Wescot Williams also turned on the Christmas lights at the government administration building which officially opens the Christmas season.

"Those who are here and not here it is good to give thanks for the blessings we have received from God reason why they are able to stand up and give thanks." Wescot Williams.

8yroldThe sermon was given Pastor Elmeade Allen said the words of Thanks or gratitude are written over 134 times in the bible. That goes to show that God not only admonished us to give thanks but it is fully displayed in his word.
He said God's deciple David admonishes such to give thanks to God simply because he is good with his mercies and blessings endure forever.

Allen reminded the gathering of the lepers when they were cured did not remember to give thanks save one. He said maybe there was one person from each neighborhood or their church and or organization who came to stand in the gap and give thanks for those who were not there.
He said God goodness is not hidden from man's eyes or ears and for this thanks must be given. Allen said that God has heard the cries of the people who called on him for his mercies during the past hurricane season and god he said heard those cries and answered them.

lights1Allen said despite the economic down turn St. Maarten will survive since the islands people are a praying nation. He felt there would be those who would try to enquire how the island survived but their answer should be, help came from the hills.

The vote of thanks was given by Commissioner of Culture Maria Buncamper Molanus.

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