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Referendum campaign Already Started.

WILLEMSTAD - The handling of the last budget of the Island Territory of Curacao was completely about the political developments and the referendum that is planned for next year April. Both opposition and coalition used the meeting to indicate what the consequences of the referendum would be with a ‘yes' or ‘no'.
It was NPA-leader Nelson Pierre that announced early this week that he's going to run a campaign for ‘NO' in the referendum of next year. Several opposition parties support his campaign, which led to a reaction of the coalition parties. Commissioner Zita Jesus-Leito (General Affairs, PAR) emphasized that a ‘YES' in the referendum will be a ‘YES' for the investments mentioned in the Social Economic Initiative (SEI), the debt restructuring by the Netherlands, and the increase of the safety on the island.
The commissioner indicated further that no referendum committee is established yet, but a decision will be made on this soon. Pierre says that even if the people vote for the political changes during the referendum, as member of the Island Council, he will continue resisting this process. He says that his party has fundamental objections against the political process. "It is anti-democratic. We will have nothing to say later as Parliament. It is the wrong and irresponsible way to deal with the governing of a country. Not being able to settle your own things, gives the wrong example. It is impossible for us to concur with this."
Pierre expects other opposition parties to join in with this initiative. "We are in conversation with each other, but making the people aware that this process must not be supported, must be clear." He says that his party will respect the result of the referendum. "Everybody on this island has the right to express her/his opinion. But if the ‘NO' looses, which I don't expect to happen, we will refuse to cooperate in the implementation." The NPA will continue following the political process very critically.

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