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Philipsburg: ---A French white woman is now in police custody for pick pocketing. The woman A.M.S aged 30 was caught by members of the Soualiga Team on Tuesday shortly after she had picked the pocket of a 73 year old vendor on the Market place. The victim E. B told police that the theft took place during the mid-day hours.
The theft took place while E.B. was selling her items and at an unguarded moment, the thief snatched a one hundred dollar bill from out the pocket of her pants and ran off.
The saleslady event though she was not feeling well ran behind the white woman pick pocketter and when the alert members of the Soualiga team noticed the commotion, they apprehended the thief when she was just about to hitch a ride.
The tired sales-lady told police that while chasing the thief she fell down twice but got back up, and continue the chase on foot, she was determined not to allow the thief escape with her hard earn money especially in these difficult times.

In another unrelated robbery police spokesman Johan Janchi Leonard in a police press release said bandits stole a generator, tools and other items on the property of a construction site located on the A.Th. Illidge road. The owner reported the theft on Tuesday morning, he told police that it was during the night hours a gray coloured generator, several tools and several boxes of tiles were stolen.

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Vinaora Nivo Slider 3.x
Vinaora Nivo Slider 3.x
Vinaora Nivo Slider 3.x
Vinaora Nivo Slider 3.x