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Delano Richardson calls for Investigation at ROB --- Implicates Governor and Island Secretary in Corruption.

delanopicPhilipsburg: --- Delano Richardson former head of VROM who was fired from his job after the developer of Blue Mall Luis Goya provided the island government with a taped conversation which suggests that Richardson attempted to extort monies from the businessman for his building permit is now calling on authorities to conduct an indebt investigation into the department. Richardson made the call in an exclusive interview on "In-depth with Andrew Bishop" which aired last night throughout the Caribbean region and St. Maarten/ St. Martin.

The former VROM head said while much blame is casted at the department of VROM or ROB the Lt. Governor and Island Secretary is equally responsible for the years of corruption that is taking place at the department since the signatures of both these persons are on these licenses. He said that while the processing of the building permits is a lengthy one the director of ROB is fully responsible for each license since he is the one that signs off on the licenses whether or not it is under the Naf. 500, 000 mark. Another point he made is that one has to know the inspectors of VROM is the eyes of the department.
Richardson said he intends to clear his name since he was framed by the island government who considered him a threat to their political agendas. Richardson said just three months after he was hired the former commissioner of ROB Roy Marlin in the presence of the director told him he was a liability to government and he was also standing in the way of their campaign monies. He said the director even told him if he did not do what he expected him to then he would send a letter to the executive council that either fire him or set him aside so he can rot. He also condemned Marlin for statements he is allegedly making in the public. "Marlin is now saying that ‘pay back is a bitch and then you die" Richardson said. He said the statement is beyond his comprehension since Marlin is the one who recruited him from Holland.
The ousted former head said he lodged several complaints with the governor and he did nothing about the corruption which has been taking place for the past 30 years. He said that he was prevented by government to execute his duties over the one year and ten months he was there at VROM. He said he cannot imagine how the island government would go after him they way they are even though there has been years of corruption at the department.
Richardson also indicated that his mother spoke to the governor on his behalf and the governor failed to act. Richardson went on to say that the director of ROB told him that he did not want him in the position he held rather he was looking for someone who could have played ball with the politicians.
On the question as to what really took place when he met with Goya, Richardson suggested that he was drugged with a glass of wine. He said when he got out of the meeting he began vomiting but never sought medical attention. Delano Richardson said that he met with Goya to discuss what is known as the landmark project. He said his intention was to take a leave of absence from government to work on the project.
Richardson further explained that his mother also listened to the tape and her remark was he was describing government officials as whores. He said his mother also indicated to him that the island government would have done what is necessary to get rid of him.

Richardson explained it is a pity that the island government would go at length to slander locals who have studied abroad and returned home. He made clear that he never accepted any bribe from anyone since that his not his character. He said his first priority is to make sure his name is cleared and taking care of his family.

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