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Students of Colleges and Lycee were in Fights.

Marigot:--- Over the past days the gendarmes were occupied in dealing with a number of violent fights in the vicinity of the Lycee and College Morn Accords. On March 17 a student was seriously hurt with a screwdriver. With an intense investigation the suspect in this case was quickly arrested by the gendarmes. The two suspects would have to appear before the judge des enfant on April 21. On March 18 the gendarmes put in place a control point at the College Morn Accords. This outpost was in place from 11am to 1pm since the gendarmes received several reports of violence at that specific school. The device has the ability to detect metal objects such as knives and weapons including drugs. Some 120 students were searched which resulted the authorities confiscating a knife and pair of scissors which has very sharp tips. . The two students concerned as well as their parents , have been summoned to the brigade of Marigot to explain the confiscation of these objects which are prohibited in charge of the public security, the Gendarmerie of St-Martin specifies that there would b other controls of this type on the outskirts of these institutions in the context of curb this delinquency among young people.
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Vinaora Nivo Slider 3.x
Vinaora Nivo Slider 3.x
Vinaora Nivo Slider 3.x
Vinaora Nivo Slider 3.x