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Commissioner of Education Marlin says literacy pre-requisite for personal development.

GREAT BAY--– Commissioner of Education William Marlin says that one of the greatest requisites in the world for personal development is being able to read and write – literacy – and is therefore is calling on parents and guardians to make some time on Tuesday, September 8 to read to their child/ren on the occasion of International Literacy Day.

“Literacy plays an essential role in the lives of our people. Let us join hands together on Tuesday and make that time to read to our kids. Select their favorite book and story, sit down with them, and read either before going to work, after picking them up from school, or just before they go to bed.

“As a nation we must continue to reinforce the importance of being able to read and write. It is not only the responsibility of the teacher in school, but also that of the parent and guardian. Everybody has a role to play,” Commissioner William Marlin said on Monday.

International Literacy Day is celebrated every September 8 around the globe. It was instituted by the United Nations Educational, Scientific, and Cultural Organization (UNESCO), to bring literacy awareness to the top of the international agenda.

The day was first celebrated back in 1966. The aim of the international day is to highlight the importance of literacy to individuals, communities, and societies. UNESCO has been at the forefront of global literacy efforts since 1946.

Commissioner Marlin adds that being literate comes with benefits such as being able to get a job at a higher level. A literate society is also able to formulate solutions for community problems and social development.

“As a member of our community, if you are able to contribute some time each day to read to a child at the library, a voluntary reading program in our school system, or a reading session in an after school activities project, it will make a tremendous difference not only to the child you are reading too but to society overall.

“Literacy skills are for life and literate nations are better geared to meet pressing national development issues,” Commissioner of Education William Marlin pointed out on Monday.



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