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Time to Make Concordia Treaty a Reality for Natives ---SNBF Presents Covenant to Politicians.

james16052010Marigot: --- Politicians and those in government on both sides of the island were blamed on Saturday night for the hypocrisy that lies behind the Treaty of Concordia. SOS radio invited several politicians and activist Leopold James to speak on the treaty which was signed some 350 years ago.
While several of the invited guests did not show up to speak, former leader of Government Sarah Wescot Williams, President Frantz Gumbs, Opposition leader Alain Richardson, Territorial Councilor Guillaume Arnell and activist Suja Reiph were among those who spoke about the treaty and its misuse at the Marigot Waterfront on Saturday evening.
Suja Reiph reminded the gathering that he was part of a delegation that went to the French Parliament in 1990 where he presented the treaty hoping that the treaty would have been recognized. Reiph said there are those who are saying that the treaty was not ratified and thus they refused to accept the treaty which was signed and lived by the island's forefathers. The Treaty of Concordia was signed decades before the European Union treaty and the Treaty of Rome said opposition leader Alain Richardson.
President of the Saint Maarten Nation Building Foundation Leopold James thanked the organizers for giving him the opportunity to address the people he has been defending for years. James said he was humbled at the invitation since he is not an elected official that holds public office however he was given the mandate to represent the people of St. Maarten/ St. Martin whom he met with only days ago to discuss the invitation.

The foundation's president made clear that the mission of his organization is to Strengthen and preserve the identity of St. Martin and its people. James gave credit to native Daniella Jeffry who is known for documenting the island's history and she has been the main source of information to many who cares to know the roots and history of the Friendly Island.
James said while the Treaty if Concordia is an interesting document and it is legally binding it certainly needs to be amended.

He felt that the treaty itself is the fact that it is the St. Martin people, who gave content and real meaning to the Treaty, by living it from the onset of their emancipation and even before. He said the way of life of St. Maarten and its people has gone way beyond the treaty itself.
The treaty talks about working together between two distinctly different nations.
For hundreds of years the St. Martin people lived on the entire island as one body, one people, one blood. The SNBF president said that the people of St. Martin/ St Maarten has lived in harmony without protest and they should now come together and claim St. Maarten from the French and Dutch Colonial system through common law.
"Our challenge and priority therefore should be is to 'transform' this common- or unwritten law into written law and to amend the Treaty to reflect our contemporary reality. In that regard, we must commend the CONSENSUS group for having taken that initiative back in the early '90's by formulating, what was called, I think what was called 'Contract with Saint Martin'.' James said.
James said the SNBF is no longer going to accept political rhetoric or lip service from their politicians and neither should the young people since the island needs hard commitments and they do need them quickly if they are to escape the colonial system that is bearing down on both sides of the island. Thus his association and its members formulated a covenant which was presented to the politicians to sign as a commitment to their promises.
Shortly after delivering his address James and members of the SNBF were seen asking those who attended the night's ceremony to sign a petition in support of the treaty and the covenant presented to the politicians.
Territorial Councilor Guillaume Arnell on the other hand felt it is time to re-write the treaty since the island and its inhabitants are burdened with the colonial system. Arnell did not mingle with words when he highlighted some of the negative effects the French and Dutch laws have on St. Maarten. "Arnell the island inhabitants are forced to put aside their ways of life and to adapt the lives and laws of the Europeans. Arnell said the treaty was signed on March 23 1648 by Robert Longvilliers and Martin Thomas and while mention is made of the witnesses and the place where the signing took place there is nothing mentioned about the people of St. Martin/ St. Maarten.
garnell16052010Arnell said when one examined the treaty was signed one would realize that there were only slaves and slave owners living on the island even after the abolition of slavery. He said the island natives only obtained their freedom through rebellion.
As Arnell examined the treaty he said in articles 1, 2, 3, 4, 7, 8, and 9 are all relevant to the colonial system and there are references to the French and Dutch man. Arnell said article 5 of treaty spoke of the inhabitants which to him needs questioning.

"History also reveals that in spite the partition treaty; relations between the two sides were not always cordial, for between 1648 and 1816, conflicts changed the border no less than sixteen times." Arnell said.

He said in the 20th century, once free from physical and mental dominations, the people of St Martin, because there were no other choice for survival, after the decline of the sugar and salt industries have steadfastly cling to the essence of the treaty mainly by living as one people, sharing the good and shouldering together the bad.

Arnell said based on that he sense recognize the wisdom, cleverness, of some of the former leaders who did instil in the people, the sense of belonging: one island, one people. He credited the late Dr. Claude Wathey, Felix CHOISY, Dr PETIT, Vance JAMES and many others, for their outstanding contribution to such a cause.
He said since the development on the Dutch side began it led the people to maintain their love, harmony and togetherness. However, he said there are consequences that came due to self sufficiency, greed and the excitement of the colonial powers of France and their attempt to instil confusion in the minds of the people of St. Martin.
Arnell the French side could not survive without the French norms or French styles giving example of their cuisine, their RMI, , Parents isolés, Allocations familliales and femmes seules. The territorial councillor said even the building codes were changed from simply laying blocks to "coffrage," and from individual homes to new standards with buildings with several floors.
He made mention of the current controversies between the sides on the drivers license, insurance policies which are hindering the people's way of life and free circulation.
Arnell said the people of St. Maarten who were once proud and strong people have now become individualist who are grasping at every opportunity to climb the ladder of economic wealth forgetting their common land, history, culture, trials and tribulations over the years.

"The picture of yesterday has vanished, the riches of this land are no more the same: No more salt ponds, no more dye wood, no mines nor minerals etc...
On the other hand, two airport, two water and electricity companies, two commercial piers, two different electricity voltage power, two social and medical system and even at a pointing time, two different taxi and bus fares base on the departure place: for example : Juliana to Marigot or Marigot to Juliana." Arnell said.

He asked the gathering what is it they intend to do now since the past is past and the present is now while the future depends on what they decide to do. Arnell said there is still one truth behind what is currently taking place which is they cannot continue to go their separate ways and they need to draw the blue prints of common destiny where the St. Martiner will not be absent from the table of negotiations.

He warned the two sides as they embrace the cause of the new status to be careful not to be building two new countries, with more constrains, more prohibitions, more boundaries instead of bridging the gap between both sides.

treatycrowd16052010Arnell said he believes that the time has come for the people to enter into a new era with more pride, more ambitions, a better sense of direction and they should commit themselves to better governance and make the necessary changes to meet the challenges of the new world order, and as such they should not rewrite the treaty of Concordia instead write a new treaty. This new treaty has to be done by the people and for the people, not a scripting of future policies and programmes, but a document reflecting the combined hopes, aspirations and vision of a wide cross section of citizens of this island.
He said there needs to be honest commitment and realistic proposals to redeem the name and image of St Martin and its people and to transcend traditional side belonging.

He made references of the Memorandum of Understanding that was signed by former leader of government Sarah Wescot Williams and Mayor Albert Fleming but said it was not enough and more over the leaders did not follow up on the document while too many people have been ignoring its existence. He urged the people to seize the moment and join hands in making the proposals and to put country before self as they analyse the issues facing the nation.

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