After the opening, the Governor, followed by the Prime Minister, Vice Prime Minister and other Ministers signed the national decree replacement regulation.
The Prime Minister as chairlady of the Council of Ministers gave an introduction and an overview of the first week in office. The Ministers were also provided with an information package.
The information package included a prepared document by each respective Secretary General about each of the seven Ministries; copies of all organic laws that were established before 10-10-10; law-making procedures; processes of making laws and decrees; the law pertaining to the country's organization with respect to the ministries including the different decisions on responsibilities and tasks per ministry; a memo explaining frequently asked legal questions. All the aforementioned documents have been placed on a specially designed bamboo memory stick, bearing the slogan of the new Government, "Working for the People."
The package also included a separate booklet of the Rules of Order. The booklet includes a brief explanation of the most significant articles of the Rules and additional information on the Secretariat as the support unit of the Council of Ministers.
On Tuesday, May 22 at 9:30am, the new Government will have their first Council of Ministers meeting which will focus on the various logistical aspects of governing.
Wednesday, May 23 at 10:00am, the new Government will have its first Council of Ministers Press Briefing which will be attended by the Prime Minister and the Vice Prime Minister.
Thursday, May 24 at 9:30am, the new Government will have its first extra-ordinary Council of Ministers meeting where they will receive a presentation by the Secretariat of the Council of Ministers.
Friday, May 25 at 9:30am, a second extra-ordinary Council of Ministers meeting will be held to deal with organizational issues.
During the week the respective Ministers will also be meeting with the Secretary Generals of their respective Ministries to be briefed about the current state of affairs regarding matters associated with their Ministry.
His Excellency Governor Eugene Holiday provided information to the Ministers, and his elucidation was about the meeting schedule for the individual ministers (monthly) as well as the Council of Ministers (quarterly). The Governor meets with the Prime Minister on a weekly basis.