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Starlight Education Vandalized --- Burglars seems to be Looking for Documents.

starlight1St. Peters:-- A suspicious burglary took place at the Starlight Education Center on Wednesday night. Director of the school Carmen Hodge alerted members of the media and the police about 8 am on Thursday morning saying this is the third time intruders are breaking into her school mainly the office. Police took over three hours to respond to the scene even the students and teachers of the school were waiting patiently for the patrols or detectives to arrive.
When the patrols arrived at 11 am they entered the office and noticed that all computers, printers, fax and copiers were in place however the intruders fumbled through all the files and folders.
Hodge said the culprits broke the padlock on the backdoor from where the gained entry to the building. While inside the thieves took off a glass window to enter her office. While inside it was clear the persons who broke into the school was not regular thief since all the appliances were in place. However, the bandits searched all folders and files as if they were looking for specific documents.
starlight2Hodge said that it has been sometime now certain government offices has been calling her requesting certain documents and she did not turn over those documents to the government departments.
The Starlight Education has been in a long battle with the island government trying to secure subsidy to maintain the school that is providing education for nearly 200 undocumented students. The case of Starlight Education was taken to Holland and it was even mentioned during the Geneva Convention earlier this year. Good to note the Minister of Education Omyra Leeflang in a press conference announced that she was visiting the island at the end of this month and she plans to be looking into the situation regarding the school and the island government who is compelled to implement compulsory education.
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