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officeworldPhilipsburg:--- Management of Office World have made a donation of Naf.100,000 towards education for their 20th anniversary says the company's director Naresh Daryanani at a press conference yesterday with commissioner of Education Sarah Wescot Williams. Daryanani would be leaving the island today where he would order the type of school furniture that is needed for St. Maarten schools. He said the materials should be on the island within the next three months and will be presented to the education department who would then distribute them to the schools that needs it most. The local businessman said this the way he chose to give back the community who has supported him over the past 20 years. St. Maarten stands to benefit half of the monies that are allocated, while the other neighboring islands such as Anguilla and St. Kitts would share the feast.
Daryanani said he is grateful that the island government has accepted his offer of one container load of classroom furniture.
Director of the education department Quincy Harrigan said the materials would be needed for the compulsory education which is to be implanted next school year. He said his office has been in contact with Office World where they have accepted the offer given to them. The materials he said will be used mainly in cycle one and two classrooms where the focus is placed on FBE education. Harrigan said the schools that stand to benefit are the public schools and those funded by the island government of St. Maarten.
Commissioner of Education Sarah Wescot Williams said she delighted that both the department and Office World was able to reach an agreement based on the offer given to government. She said that the company and the department had to agree on the type of classroom materials that is needed on St. Maarten since FBE requires special types of furniture. The commissioner thanked the businessman for the gesture he made towards education. She said his offer could not have come at a better time since the island is busy implementing compulsory education.
Wescot Williams said she hoped other businesses would follow the footsteps of Office World since this shows good cooperate citizenship and education she said would continue to grow as they try to implement compulsory education. Even though the island is faced with serious economic times she commended the company for keeping their promise by making the gesture possible. She said she did not consider the gift as a small one, thus she extended best wishes to the company on their 20th anniversary.
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Vinaora Nivo Slider 3.x
Vinaora Nivo Slider 3.x
Vinaora Nivo Slider 3.x
Vinaora Nivo Slider 3.x