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JEGO tells Elected to Look for Durable Projects ---Loans is not to pay salaries.

French Quarter:--- State Secretary for Overseas Territories Yves Jego told the Territorial Council mainly Pierre Allioti to look for durable projects which can bring monies to the Collectivity of St. Martin on his working visit here last week. Jego made the statements after Allioti was making a power point presentation at the community council in French Quarter outlining the amount of projects the Territorial Council has planned for the next two years.
It is understood that the presentation which was extremely boring and only pertains to the amount of monies the COM would need from the State apparently got on the state secretary nerves that he literally stopped the process and indicated that even though the State is willing to help the COM has a role to play.
SMN News understands that Jego informed the COM that they need to look for projects that are environmentally friendly and those that can pump monies back into the coffers of the COM. Jego also indicated that government cannot take loans to pay the salaries of workers instead they need to invest wisely. He added that the COM has monies and they need to begin using those monies in the interest of the island.

The elaborate decorations and huge bouquets that was at the Collectivity for the 4th Vice President Louis Jeffy wedding and arrival of the Sate Secretary on Thursday sure did not miss Jego's  eyes, it is said Jego immediately noticed there is a gross misapproiation of government monies and he found a way to let the elected know just that in his address at the community council meeting.

This reporter also learnt that several persons in the community expressed their discontentment to the State Secretary when he met with the population on the Waterfront on Friday morning.

SMN News also received a few emails from several prominent persons in the community who are enraged at the elected officials namely President Frantz Gumbs who allowed the use of people's money to celebrate Jeffry's wedding on Thursday. One writer said the COM pretended they were decorating the COM for the arrivail of the State Secretary when in fact they were doing it for the marriage of the vice president who got married to the president's secretary. The concern citizen in his email said already the new bride is using the vehicle of the Vice president and now husband. The concern citizen said Jeffry who is eager to get the president seat may very well get that position if the Territorial Council has to reelect a president since the August 7 presidential election procedures were illegal.  If this happens then the "new" and possible president would have his wife as his secreatry.


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