Dr. Martin Luther King School started on March 3, with offering the first complete course in Spanish. The material provides a variety of cultural and linguistic sensitive options, such as group discussions, personal one- to-one contacts, family enrichment activities, adult reflective thinking and home activities. All participating parents will receive the parent's guide free of charge.
The language used acknowledges the diversity of Hispanic individuals' backgrounds by including in the video Latino actors from different countries with different Spanish accents. The videos and the parent's guide also include pictures that represent contemporary dress and customs.
Due to elaborate discussions, parents, school and APN leader Mr. Duffis agreed that the sessions will be extended with an extra evening.
The dates of the next workshops are Wednesday March 17 and Tuesday March 23. Time: 7.00 - 9.00 p.m at the Dr. Martin Luther school in Dutch Quarter.
DERPI continues to provide solutions for parents facing the challenges in our society.
This program is financed with Dutch Development Funds made available through USONA.