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Motion of No Confidence against Blackman Accepted Unanimously--- Blackman is not Fired Says Island Leader—Ball In DP’s Court to file Motion to End Process.

xavierblackman11032010Philipsburg: --- The third motion of no confidence presented by the Democratic Party against finance commissioner Xavier Blackman has been accepted by the island council unanimously on Monday.
The motion against Blackman was the first agenda point on Monday's Island Council meeting, since the motion was presented some weeks ago and the council never got around to voting on it.
While Leader of Government William Marlin apparently said no to individual voting by members of the island council mistakenly as he was busy reading a document when the motion was read out by the island council chairman. Marlin said he is prepared to live with the consequences in order to respect the rules of order. When asked if his government has any intention of reinstating Blackman, Marlin said Blackman was never fired by the National Alliance/ Heyliger and Laveist government. He said the motion on Monday starts a procedure which has to be followed through.
According to Article 50 (A) of the ERNA rules of order the Democratic Party now has to file a motion to continue the process. That motion to vacate Blackman's seat has to go before the island council. It is understood that the National Alliance would then take the necessary steps to correct the situation facing Blackman then.
Marlin indicated to the island council that he responded by mistake thus they are prepared to live by the consequences for his error. At one point Marlin said he had said there would be individual voting. But Chairman of the island council Franklyn Richards told him that if he replayed the tape he would hear that he actually said no then he ratified the voting.
The other members of the National Alliance were shocked and embarrassed by the error especially since they all waited on Island Council member Louie Laviest to arrive at the A C Wathey Legislative hall prior to signing in for the meeting.
Even though the motion has been accepted Blackman can be re-appointed as commissioner of finance by members of the National Alliance and its supporting members Heyliger and Laviest.
In the meantime, Blackman would remain in his office to carry out his daily duties on behalf of the executive council.
Later the Democratic Party members raised several points of concerns when the council voted unanimously for the articles of incorporation for TELEM.
Again when the proposal came up voting the chairman asked if there were going to be individual voting and Marlin again responded by saying no, immediately after that the chair ratified the voting. Island councilman Roy Marlin said he was not given the opportunity to respond since he wanted to elucidate on the proposal prior to voting and idea supported by island council lady Sarah Wescot Williams and Maria Buncamper Molanus.
Leader of government William Marlin at that point attempted to explain what took place and supported the chair for the decision taken. He made clear that if the chairman was willing to make changes to accommodate the Democratic Party faction then he would have had to do the same thing with the motion and voting of no confidence against Blackman.

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