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Patrick Illidge NA Candidate #7 pledges Fls 1000.00 monthly to Social Causes, if elected to Parliament!

pillidge15092010Philipsburg:--- NA Candidate #7 Patrick Illidge has pledged Fls. 1000.00 monthly to social causes if elected to Parliament, this pledge has come about based on the many requests by many persons in need within the different districts in St. Maarten.
Illidge said "While on the campaign trail I have encountered many persons who are facing many different social hardships, it is somewhat overwhelming but I am committed to bring about solutions to these problems, you can lean on me." The NA Candidate is of the opinion that taxpayers money will be paying his salary so it is only fair to contribute part of his salary to the people. Once elected the funds will be dedicated to social concerns affecting single parent homes, elderly persons living alone, foundations that assist the community on a yearly basis, youth development and scholarship assistance for youngsters who excel in their academic studies.
pillidgefood15092010Additionally, the NA candidate in collaboration with Prime Distributors in Cole Bay has donated over 300 boxes of basic food item to families in need. The recipients have have expressed much surprise and gratitude for the donation.
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