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MP George sends Questions to Minister of Finance.

georgepantophletPhilipsburg:--- Member of Parliament George Pantophlet has sent a letter to Minister of Finance Hiro Shigemoto asking questions based on article 62 of the Constitution of Country St. Maarten. The following are the questions sent to the Minister:
  1. When will the Budget 2011 be presented to Parliament?
  2. How much funds is owed to St. Maarten by the former Netherlands Antilles government?
  3. How much funds is owed to St. Maarten by St. Maarten creditors and who are those creditors?
  4. Were funds deposited on the account of the Central Bank for St. Maarten by the Dutch?
  5. If so, how much was deposited and what was the amount spent on?
  6. If no funds were spent, why not?
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