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Rotary Club of St. Maarten bestows vocational award to Marcela Lacroes & Chantal Schaminee-Ringeling.

rotaryvacringeling01032011"In general most people are very nice , pleasant , polite and hospitable. But even in this group there are people who stand out. There is a saying that says "you will search among millions and millions of stones until you find one diamond ", this diamond is Marcela Lacroes.
Marcela differentiates herself from others through her caring attitude and making people feel comfortable. She is a team player, generous with her time and never refuses a helping hand. In addition to her day to day work she found time during the past 5 years to assist in the HIV / Aids Red Ribbon Stronger Together Campaign. More than $100,000 was raised for the campaign this year and I (Elie Bendaly) thank Marcela for her contribution.
Marcela is a dedicated Scotiabanker and it is truly a pleasure working with her. I am happy and thrilled that the Rotary Club of St. Maarten has accepted my nomination of Marcela to receive the Vocational Award " says Rotarian Elie Bendaly.

Rotary International considers that Vocational Service focuses on: Adherence to and promotion of the highest ethical standards in all occupations, including fair treatment of employers, employees, associates, competitors, and the public. Rotary also recognizes the worthiness of all useful occupations, not just those that are pursued by Rotarians. Finally, the contribution of vocational talents to solving the problems of society and meeting the needs of the community concludes the three focus points.

Another person found to have met the criteria as mentioned is Chantal Schaminee-Ringeling, who can be best described as a local girl who learned her ABC's and knows how to teach them! And as Chantal herself states: "The product of local formal education".
Having enjoyed all her primary and secondary schooling in the public education system on St. Maarten ( Princess Beatrice Kindergarten, Oranje School and MPC), Chantal Ringeling pursued a teaching degree in English and Geography in the Netherlands. After obtaining her Masters Degree in English Literature from the University of Nijmegen which awarded her an automatic entrance into the Post Graduate Teaching program at the same university, the focus was on returning to St. Maarten in 1993 with her well deserved degrees.
rotaryvamlacroes01032011It was in August 1994 that the HAVO/VWO students of Milton Peters College were introduced to this dynamic, articulate and involved teacher. Dynamic in the classroom, articulate in transferring her knowledge to her students and involved in extra-curricular activities
Education for her has been about connecting to the students. Making students realize that (higher) education levels the playing fields in life and enables young men and women, in particular young women, the opportunity to attain professional & personal gratification. Being open, honest & consistent in her interactions with students has made her one of the recognizable faces of local education in the last 20 years. Former students of "Juffrouw" Schaminee had among others this to say: Tameka Lambert : "Today I really am grateful for all the extra time she took out of her busy schedule to help me gain extra skills or to assist me preparing for tests. "Juffrouw" Schaminee is surely a woman who should be recognized for her profession and the great influence she has had on students' lives, including mine". Sasha Buncamper: "As a teacher she would sacrifice her recess to let us come to her classroom to ask questions or even just to talk. Basically what I'm hoping to bring across is the fact that "Juffrouw" Schaminee is a genuine loving teacher who is always willing to go that extra mile". Crystal Chittick: "I don't think any student can say that she wasn't a great, caring, lovable, cool & understanding person. She's one person I'll remember for the rest of my life. I'm honored to have a person like her in my life". Shanella Petrona: "She tries her best to be on the same level as her students but yet letting them know that she is in control. I don't think that any individual who has had "Juffrouw" Schaminee as a teacher would disagree with me when I say that "Juffrouw" Schaminee knows how to give class".
The Rotary Club of St. Maarten recognized Marcela Lacroes & Chantal Schaminee-Ringeling for their outstanding execution of their vocation last Saturday during an Indian cultural event at Shiv Segar. President Kishore Idnani and the entire Rotary Club of St. Maarten would like to take this opportunity to congratulate the recipients and thank them for their contribution to the community of St. Maarten.

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