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GEBE Workers Uneasy----Brooks did not live Up CLA Agreement—Management received huge increases and benefits.

Philipsburg: --- Workers of GEBE are very unhappy with its new boss says one source and angry worker. Speaking to SMN News unanimously an employee said the workers at GEBE is now beginning to grumble since the company's managing director William Brooks did not live up to the Collective Labor Agreement which says they are to receive a 10% increase in salary plus 2% cost of living adjustment.
Management of GEBE had to come with an appraisal based on work performance which had to be conducted at the end each year which would be basis for the increase, however management has failed to live up to its responsibility since 2006. According to the well placed source GEBE had to compensate its workers with a 5% increase on their salary at the end of 2006 since they failed to meet the obligations of the CLA drafted by the United Federation Union.
The source said in 2007 management of GEBE tried to prepare an appraisal but failed to include the appeals committee which is obligatory and the salary scales structure. The latter was not even presented to the Union. It is said the reason why management of GEBE is withholding the document is simply because they have not lived up the 5% penalty the previous year.
This appraisal did not finish on time which caused the company to be in default and liable by 5% to all its employees for a second year. It is said that without the salary scale the union is not able to make comparisons neither can it monitor the growth of its members. The source said since the appraisal was incomplete the workers of GEBE refused to sign the proposed half finish document.

The employee said that they are peeved because it has been three years now and to date management of GEBE is not making an effort to live up to the CLA and this affects the employees pension funds which is adjusted during the first month of each year. Even if the increases are paid later in the year the workers still stand to loose in their pension for one whole year, however this has been happening for the past three years and there is nowhere to know when management would live up to its obligations.
The source said the last time workers of GEBE got their cost of living adjustment was in 2005 and so far management is not addressing the issue.

It is understood that the Staff Union the ASWI has begun a signature drive where they got over 80% of their membership to endorse the union since management refused to meet with them saying they are not representing the majority of the workers. To do so the union needs to have 51% of the workers as their members.
It is also said that the ASWI was forced to call in the Federal labor mediator since management has failed to meet with them on a number of occasions to sign a collective labor agreement. The source said management is stonewalling the ASWI since they still cannot meet the demands of UFA. Another concern for the workers is that they need to know which of the employees fall under the UFA and which ones fall under ASWI. It is understood that workers position on the job and or his salary is what decides which union he or she falls under and since they are denied the salary scale and structure they are not able to say who their members are.

SMN News understands that the employees who have been patient over the years are now planning to take action since they learnt that the management team received an increase of Naf. 2,500 guilders monthly and other benefits. Efforts made to contact the unions and management up to press time proved futile.

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