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Six Escaped From Bon Futuro Prison--two recaptured.

Willemstad: -- Some six prisoners have escaped from the Bon Futuro Prison yesterday around midday. The prisoners took two prison guards hostage in block 7 of the facility. Police managed to arrest two of the escapees shortly after the break out. It is said that
block seven is part that was constructed recently.

Up to press time the names of the escapees was not released. It is said the prisoners managed to escape through a hole in a fence and they used rope to get over the prison walls. Sources say that it seems more than likely that the prisoners had assistance either from outside or inside the facility. police also organized a massive manhunt which included foot patrol, cars and the helicopter from the coast guard.
just over a week ago a prisoner who has been identified as Englelbert Koeiman escaped while working outside. Koieman is still on the run.
Minister of justice David Dick said he was still waiting information from them police last night when contacted by this media house.

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