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COM Presidential Election in Jeopardy --- Ogoundele-Tessi May be Reinstated—Commissaire Report includes sanction --- Reliable Sources.

frantz2Marigot: --- According to information circulating within the community and the Collectivity of St. Martin would indeed be making history since the State Council would be issuing a ruling that may reinstate former first vice President Marthe Ogoundele- Tessi to her position as first vice president. It is understood that the report of the commissaire d'Gouvernment was not in favor of Gumbs being elected to the presidential seat and the procedures of the election was also incorrect. The commissaire it is understood did not give a favorable advice to the council who would be issuing its final ruling in their next sitting.
It is said that a hearing was held in the Conseil d' Etat last week and the COM was already informed that a decision will be forthcoming. Sources told this media house that the COM has already been notified that the election of President Frantz Gumbs was illegal and the only position that had to be filled is the seat of the President and not the vice presidents. It said that the Territorial Council would have elect a new president. It is still not clear if Gumbs will be barred from running or what type of disciplinary measures will be issued in the final ruling.
This media house also understands that the UPP has had several meetings concerning the issue, including an emergency meeting that was held yesterday. It said the Territorial Council held a meeting on Tuesday night to discuss the arrival of the State Secretary of Yves Jego but the President did not make mention of the pending decision.
SMN News contacted leader of the RRR party Alain Richardson for a comment since Richardson is one of the persons who filed a complaint against the election with the Conseil d'Etat. Richardson said so far he did not receive any official information from them State Council and neither his lawyers. Also contacted was Marthe Ogoudele-Tessi, the former first vice president who also filed a complaint against the election procedures. Ogoundele-Tessi said she has been hearing rumors but so far she did not receive any official information. The ousted vice president said she already contacted her lawyers but they did not get back to her as yet.
President Frantz Gumbs was elected President on August 7th 2008 after the State Council condemned the former President Louis Constant Fleming on July 25th for not abiding by the French electoral laws. Fleming was sanctioned because he did not open a separate bank account of the 2007 Presidential election, something he said he did not purpose since according to him it was the only way to remain transparent.
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