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St. Maarten gastronomy to be featured on popular TV program in Puerto Rico.

catandoypicandoPhilipsburg- The slogan describing St. Maarten as "The Culinary Capital of the Caribbean" is obviously more than a mere marketing ploy. It has obviously attracted the attention of Catando y Picando, a popular TV program in Puerto Rico, with a target audience of viewers between the ages of 25 and 54 who are "interested in good style living, fine food and fine table."
A film crew of Catando y Picando were on the island last week to tape a full half-hour program dedicated to the gastronomy of St. Maarten which will be aired during prime time on Channel 30 Mega TV.
The crew was hosted by the St. Maarten Tourist Bureau as part of government's ongoing efforts to take full advantage of opportunities to promote the island in the various source markets, especially at a time of global financial and economic crisis which is forcing travelers to be more selective and seek value and a lasting vacation experience.
The episode of Catando y Picando featuring St. Maarten will focus also on "most visited places for fine food, good wine and hot places in town," according to the producers.
"We are thrilled that this popular TV program in Puerto Rico will dedicate a whole half-hour program to St. Maarten," remarked Commissioner of Tourism, Roy Marlin. "In times of economic meltdown like the one the whole world is facing, people tend to travel nearer to their homes. Puerto Rico is less than an hour away from St. Maarten by air. Programs like this will enhance our visibility in that market and hopefully result in more Puerto Ricans deciding to vacation on our island," he added.
According to Director of Tourism, Regina LaBega, Puerto Ricans "love fine dining", hence Catando y Picando is "an appropriate medium to reach that niche market." She notes that the program has enjoyed a huge success in Puerto Rico over the past decade on radio, at hotel events and currently on Mega TV Channel 30.
LaBega added that the crew was very impressed with the variety and quality of the gastronomic offerings of the island, pointing out that it is no fluke that St. Maarten won the CTO Culinary Team of the Year in 2007.
No date has been set yet for the broadcast of the episode taped on St. Maarten, however, this would be announced as soon as it is known.
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