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attachoCole Bay: -- Focus will be placed on obesity and delinquency during the three days tripartite parliamentary meeting which began yesterday says President of the Antillean Parliament Pedro Attacho during his opening statements. Attacho said since the meetings held here is part of the contact plan of Suriname, Aruba and the Netherlands Antilles it is of great importance that obesity be discussed on a broad base since a study in 2001 showed that at least 63% of the population in Curacao suffered from obesity. Attacho further explained this phenomenon has already begun grave dimensions in other countries. He said the Dutch cabinet has already expressed favor of an integrated approach and has therefore released the funding for it. Reasons given for this approach he said are to combat the social consequences including decreased productivity and cancellation of services as well as absenteeism.

Attacho said it is necessary for them to send a clear signal to the Dutch cabinet their concerns on obesity. He said whatever message is sent must is a "wake up" call for Caribbean islands. Expounding on the consequences of obesity he said puts enormous pressure on the health care system which also reduces the life expectancy of the citizens

Attacho indicated that already the Aruban and Netherlands Antilles conducted debates on the topic the results of the bi-partite meetings would be sent to the respective ministries.
He indicated that the Parliament of the Netherlands Antilles has noticed that the Minister of Public Health is already on the matter since she has included in her policy the intention of public awareness however, he felt that it would be useful if Aruba, Suriname and the Antilles can work on the issue together.

Also on the agenda for discussions is youth delinquency since the three partners are already working together on judicial affairs. Attacho said he felt there is need for the tripartite to work towards the prevention of youth delinquency which would further shape the judicial chain.

Attacho said while on the island they would take the opportunity to meet with the President of the Collectivity Frantz Gumbs. The intention he said is create more acquaintance on the administrative structure and the political development on that side of the island.

rasPresident of the Aruba Mervin Wyatt Ras in her opening remarks said she felt since Suriname has enjoyed more than 30 years of Independence can give the necessary support to both Aruba who has 23 years of autonomy and the Netherlands Antilles who is presently undergoing its dismantling process. She said already Aruba is serving as an example with its separate status in the Kingdom. Wyatt Ras said having status apart has brought and is continuing to bring many benefits to the people of Aruba. She explained that they have developed tourism to an extent that 70% of their income derives from that economic pillar. While they also live from their oil refineries and much focus is now being placed on alternative forms of energy since they have invested in the Wind park and they are still looking into possibilities that are more environmentally friendly.
Wyatt Ras said that even though the economy in Aruba is stable they can be affected with the world economic crisis. She felt that is important for them to continue their investing in the tourism industry and other socio- economic projects that would guarantee sustainable growth. Wyatt Ras said they would need to further focus on the world financial recession and they should all prepare for a depression since the banks have made it extremely hard for everyone to access credit.

She said it is not easy to comprehend the mentality of the Dutch politicians as partners in the Kingdom especially those who make public remarks against public officials and the people of the Antilles and Aruba. Wyatt Ras said they are concerned with the apparent expansionist aims of Venezuela however she hopes that continued cooperation with the neighboring countries would create more opportunities.
She said there is need to further explore agriculture since the forefathers of these islands have lived from such and with the economic times ahead the need to consider the benefits of local production would be vital.
Aruba representative Mr. Hellen van de Wal will be making a presentation on youth criminality and gangs, however the need to focus on its prevention would be key in the discussions. She said while many may think that the youths have big mouths or consider them to be bad, there is need for them to see the positive side of the youths and at least try to prevent gang related issues. Wyatt Ras said there would be the need for the tripartite to cooperate on the issue of delinquency.

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