Ten of the 23 balls were given to St. Maarten Youth Baketball Association confirmed Arrindell.
Gracita said; like many in our community Peridot Foundation shares the concerns about the increase of violence among our young people. Every opportunity the association get to positively impact young people, they will happily do so. There are many youngsters out there including other basket ball fans in higher age brackets that love the game and make use of every opportunity to play in their free time. But they need the active support of the community especially the business community to keep this favorite sports game accessible to the players and to the Association. The Peridot are also aware of the fact that the local basket ball association is facing financial hardship. This is regrettable and the situation should be rectified as soon as possible. "Our Foundation encourages the business sport minded community to step up to the plate and 'play ball' by assisting the Sint Maarten Basket Ball association to jump start its program again."
"We take this opportunity to say a heartfelt thank you to the donors, in support of sports in general and specifically to Basket Ball on Sint Maarten. Peridot Foundation is looking forward and welcomes all future support to the sports in this regard. Let us keep our young people active in the sports and off the streets and 'Guard the loved ones You May Lose".