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NO to Injustice, YES for Respect--- MOCSAM.

Marigot:--- The Collectivité of St. Martin has finally obtained a decree for approval of road tax implementation and enforcement project, it will be possible to so once it has taken deliberation to formalize the project which the Decree relates to. Following a meeting with director of services, the Collectivité should abandon the annual change of licence plates and return to old formula of windshield stickers, which seems more sensible and in all case the only option applicable at this point in time. As we always said we are not opposed to the existence of a road tax if it is respectful of the law. Today it seems to be the case and we would like to stress that the legal way is the only way! No doubt that the credibility of the political leaders and the representation of State have suffered greatly after illegally harassing taxpayers.

The MOCSAM had already stepped into the breach to terminate the award of the first representation of our Collectivité at a national level to none St. Martiner, in competition with a local equally qualified and in defiance of all democratic rules. We had requested and obtained copies of sponsorships for candidates to this position as representative of St. Martin in the Economic, Social and environmental council, and it was found, contrary to the statements and writings of ousted President LC FLEMING and M. LACROIX delegate Prefect of the time, Mr. ARNELL had received more mentoring then Mr. FUENTES, but yet false memorandum stating the contrary was sent to ministry, misleading Madam Minister in order for Mr. Fuentes to be nominated as such. History repeats itself and today it is Mr. ROMNEY that is concerned. M. ROMNEY Robert, head of education department before the Collectivités of St. Martin and St. Barths, whom was denied the necessary human and material resources to carry out his mission but great efforts are mobilise in trying to remove him from this post in order to promote one from elsewhere. We are simply saying that this is unacceptable, it is a very bad signal to our youth in lack of role models and motivations and we have had enough! We will take the streets and advocate total blockage if this miserable policy should continue, including the stigma of our locals fully qualified and competent!

Kappror is a private company, but it is unacceptable that a company could be on strike since February 18th to this day without any concern of authorities. This is neither healthy nor worthy of our republic, nor our history. We are not interfering in internal affairs but it is time that solution be found to ensure that the company resume activities and that employees, mobilized ever since, regain dignity as fathers and mothers to face every day responsibilities. It is a heartfelt plea that we make for all government authorities and parties concerned to show sense of responsibility before it is too late.

The home hospitalization service (HAD) on our island attracts much attention. The president of the Collectivité, F. GUMBS, has signed a letter giving a strong endorsement to a project led by the health centre of Basse-Terre, on behalf of the Collectivité and as Chairman of the Board of the Hospital of St Martin. Today he would like to make believe of his surprise to the award of contract to another private clinic in Guadeloupe, waving an apology in the most sterile of all: "I was not aware of the proposed by the hospital in St. Martin". Mr. GUMBS, before talking in the name of others, as chairman of the board, it would be prudent to consult them and get their professional opinion. Strange is certain coincidence, how can we believe such excuse since, very coincidently, Semsamar is actually nourishing a plan for establishing a subsidiary "Semsamar santé" , offering among other home health care and within a more or less medium-term will propose HAD services, perhaps outsourcing some well-chosen private clinic that is not physically present on our island. (We will follow up ...)
The MOCSAM invites the public to be constant vigilance because enough is enough! Respect is a sine qua non of living together, social progress and economic development and we demand immediate respect and formally request an end to this hypocrisy toward the people of St. Martin.

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