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10 Fire Fighters Pass Training Course.

firedeptraining23092010GREAT BAY:--- Ten fire fighters including four colleagues from Bonaire, Saba and St. Eustatius, have completed a four-day safety equipment course.
The course was related to safety equipment such as the breathing apparatus manufactured by Draeger. The instructor for the course was a representative from Draeger.
Section Head Prevention, Preparation, and Education & Training of the Fire Department ing. Silvanico Pauletta told the Government Information Service (GIS) that the breathing apparatus is an essential tool for fire fighters as it makes it possible for them to enter hostile environments like smoke or gas filled rooms.
Pauletta added that it is important for the various fire departments to have trained personnel on hand that are able to maintain and regularly test these sensitive pieces of equipment which have to be at the ready when the alarm sounds for an emergency.
Fire department technical staff need to be certified at level three and has to be regularly certified.
The course was given at Fire Department Headquarters in Cay Hill.
The course included an examination and all fire fighters passed with flying colors and are certified to carry out regular maintenance of the breathing apparatus.
On September 24, two firemen from the Sint Maarten Fire Department will continue to follow the course at level four which would entitle them to carry out a yearly inspection of the breathing apparatus.
The Sint Maarten Fire Department now has six staff members who are able to carry out regular and annual maintenance testing.
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