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Climate Change Conference Should Hasten Action for Cooperation Says PAM Leader Lindsay Grant.

lindsaygrant10032011Basseterre, St. Kitts:--- The just concluded conference on Climate Change, hosted at the St. Kitts Marriott, on Tuesday and Wednesday of this week, has been praised by the Leader of the Opposition People's Action Movement, (PAM), for its efforts to strengthen the bonds of cooperation, especially amongst Caribbean experts and governments.

The PAM leader, Mr. Lindsay Grant, said that the adverse effects on our tourism product, as a consequence of the loss of beaches, and on our agricultural base, due to the loss of arable land from flooding, should hasten our region into action, paying greater attention to the issues associated with climate change.

Grant said that "as an island nation, we should be particularly concerned about climate change, since it has an effect on the rising of the sea level which makes us very vulnerable, especially on the coastal zones of St. Kitts & Nevis.

The PAM leader said that the recent problems caused by the massive floods in Australia, resulted in major disruption to one of the agricultural belts of that country, affecting the price and availability of certain products.

He said that the islands of the Caribbean, as a result of this conference, ought to invest greater resources in producing and sharing information that could enhance our knowledge to better manage the countless challenges with which our region is faced.

The UNESCO Climate Change and Ethical Principles Conference was held under the theme, Climate Change Adaptation in the Caribbean: Science, Ethics and Policies. It was hosted by the St. Kitts & Nevis National Commission for UNESCO, from 8th-9th March, 2011.

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