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[RED] Campaign links up with DJ Blaze.

djblaze4Philipsburg:--The [RED] Campaign just received an important asset to the Campaign by having one of St. Maarten's most popular DJ's, DJ Blaze throw his weight behind HIV/AIDS awareness.
DJ Blaze is the first DJ on the island to join the [RED] campaign, which is good, because he can make use of the various avenues allotted to him to reach the youth. The slogan for 2009 is Think [RED], Do Safe, which focuses on promoting healthy sexual behavior. This year the campaign is focusing on the youth, and what better way to reach them than through their own environment.
DJ Blaze told us at the HIV/AIDS Programme Management Team that he is real happy to be a part of this campaign and will help in every way possible to spread the awareness of HIV/AIDS through his parties and beyond. People can look out for the Think [RED], Do Safe Party in May hosted by DJ Blaze.
"One of our objections for this year is to take the [RED] Campaign to all areas of our society, wherever people and conversations are Think [RED], Do Safe should be on their mind," said Cornelius De Weever, HIV/AIDS Assistant Programme Manager.
Cornelius De Weever, stated, "I attended his last party to observe and I was very pleased to listen to them spread the message without offending those in attendance."
DJ Blaze has been a DJ for the past 11 years, and is well known for his fun/exciting, off the chain parties, especially his annual birthday bash in August, which falls right after August Monday. In February he held the ‘Ramping Shop' Party at Secrets Nightclub, and provided condoms to party attendees. His specialty music is hip/hop, soca and reggae. The HIV/AIDS Programme Management Team is looking forward to working with DJ Blaze. DJ Blaze can be reached on telephone number 581-2225 or via any of the social networking sites, such as Facebook, Hi5 and MySpace or through e-mail at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. Stay tuned for more on the party scene from DJ Blaze and the HIV/AIDS Programme Management Team.
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