CUL DE SAC:--- The St. Maarten Academy has launched its “Choose P.E.A.C.E.” project with a series of activities, particularly geared towards their first formers. The project, which kicked off on Wednesday (February 22, 2012), will run until March. It is being spearheaded by student counsellor Tallulah Baly-Vanterpool and the Student Care Department. Tephany Baptist, a social work intern from Holland (now famous for the FlashMobproject) as well as Sabine Smith, a recent graduate of the Academy, is assisting with the project organization.
The “Choose P.E.A.C.E.” project is a positive approach to violence prevention that is needed in the St. Maarten community. The acronym P.E.A.C.E. represents Principles, Excellence, Attitude, Courage, and Empathy - all values that St. Maarten’s youth and elders must embrace for a brighter future.
On Wednesday, there were two presentations on Principles. Miss St. Maarten 2011 Trumane Trotman took the first form girls through activities that highlighted their principles and how difficult it might be to change them. The girls learnt the importance of inculcating lady-like behaviours, and how to handle peer pressure and conflict. They ended their session with a ‘poise and posture’ demonstration. All forty-five girls walked out as new-found “Miss Principles”.
At the same time, the young boys were engaged in a lively discussion with Lenworth Wilson, Jr., host of CPR radio program on Youth Radio 92.5FM. Wilson, teacher by profession, is well known for his involvement with St. Maarten youth as a mentor. He presented the K.I.N.G. principles to the young princes, and encouraged them to demonstrate Kindness, Intelligence, Naturalness, and Growth. The forty first form boys shared what they understood about becoming a man, and were taught the principles of kings and gentlemen.
The “Choose PEACE” activities will continue on Friday where all students are being encouraged to wear white shirts with the PEACE emblem. As part of this initiative, the school has already embraced one letter in the acronym by awarding the Honour Roll students and presenting them to the entire school as examples of Excellence. The student body was encouraged to strive for excellence in all that they do. In the coming weeks, the students will be engaged in other lessons in P.E.A.C.E.